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Wednesday 16 February 2011

Adam Hills In Gordon Street Tonight S01E02 Recap

[caption id="attachment_218" align="alignnone" width="590" caption="The gang at AHIGST notch up another win..."][/caption]

It just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?

Tonight we saw Tim Minchin with his "Jesus clock". Possibly the highlight of his interview was when he grabbed a kid's phone and feigned reading a text message "".

He also performed a cover of Crowded House's "Better Be Home Soon".

Gaddsbyism of the night: In response to Megan Gale's Chakra rocks: "That's really lovely Adam, you can throw them into the garden with the rest of 'em" (Gestures towards garden filled with garden-variety rocks).

Megan "Don't mention Andy" Gale also made an appearance. She is always quite good talk-show guest material... however, she believes in rocks having powers and that. Judgement free zone here, though.

[caption id="attachment_220" align="alignnone" width="590" caption="Hey, I wonder what brand of eyeliner Tim Minchin wears..."][/caption]

There were also some nice little pieces involving Dave O'Neill and taxidermists. Over at Channel Nine, an actress saying she is Beyonce is singing about her "Bootylicious booty".

If I had one criticism of the show, it was that the boyzillian was a bit too breakfast radio for Hills' standard. Not that it was low brow, it's just been done before, and before that- think 40 Year Old Virgin.

Rake was also entertaining. Yes I know that's not his name.

Best moment: Adam's stapler story. Simply brilliant. Just 'Tube it.

Well, it's time to break out the scores. If last week was an 8/10, this week was a firm 8.5/10.


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