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Monday 25 July 2011

News: Can of Worms takes a Huge Hit in Episode 4

Yesterday I wrote a post about how Ten crowbarring The Renovators into its schedule was anything but good news for its other new show Can of Worms.
And I take no pleasure in saying that I was unfortunately correct in my estimations. According to TV Tonight, Can of Worms rated a very, very average 591,000.
It isn't disastrous, obviously, but to lose over a third of its audience is horrible- and to think it was all Ten's doing.
Yes, they want to promote their new show The Renovators (which pulled a nice 978,000 in its second outing- showing it will likely be a slow, but steady burner a la MasterChef Season 1), but why do it at the expense of a fledgling yet promising show?
I can only hope that it doesn't sink any lower next week, when there will be a similar situation- it will be extraordinarily hard to claw its way back from a sub-500,000 number, which I fear is where it's heading.


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