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Tuesday 26 July 2011

Premiering: The Office Season 7 - Tonight on Eleven

And here's yet another reason why the multi-channels have been so successful...

Tonight Ten's multi-channel is finishing up Season 6 of The Office with the finale "Whistleblower", and barrelling straight into Season 7 of the show with the premiere episode "Nepotism".

Once upon a time (a time not so long ago), once the networks had dumped a show such as The Office (which Ten did many moons ago), it was anyone's guess when it would be seen on Australian TV again - if ever.

Now, since channels like Eleven have aired shows like The Office, fans have been able to catch up on seasons worth of shows.

Eleven has now run through seasons five and now six in a consistent timeslot.

In the US, fans are waiting for Season 8 to premiere in September, but if Eleven keeps up its consistent programming (two episodes every week), Australian Office fans will be almost level with their US counterparts.

The Office Season 7 Premiere airs 9:00PM Tonight on Eleven


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